Woodside Road – PWM CDM Structural
HCS were appointed under varying roles on this residential development scheme, comprising a rear dormer extension, with the project due to be completed in a 10 – 14 week programme.
HCS undertook the structural design of the project, working alongside the client’s architect.
The scheme invoked the requirement to serve notice under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996, due to the requirement to raise the parapet and cut into the party wall. Although the neighbouring properties consented to the works, therefore not requiring a Party Wall Award, HCS undertook comprehensive schedules of condition of the properties as a reference point in case of the occurrence of damage.

Our final appointment extended to CDM Consultant, to advise the client of their health and safety related duties under the CDM Regulations 2015 and manage the process. HCS prepared the Pre-Construction Information, reviewed the Construction Phase Plan, and liaised with the Principal Contractor during the scheme on site. Upon completion, we compiled the Health and Safety file for issue to the client.

Residential Sector
Wood Green, London