Party Wall and Neighbourly Matters
Keep your neighbours on side and stick to the law
If you are planning to undertake works that affect a shared wall, or you are building or digging near a neighbour’s property, you will need an experienced Party Wall Surveyor to help the process run as smoothly as possible and avoid any future problems. Or if you have been served a Party Wall notice by your neighbour, we can act as your Adjoining Owner’s surveyor should you need it.
As specialist Party Wall Surveyors, with both domestic and commercial experience, we can help with everything from serving notices to helping with disputes, either as part of a package with other services or on its own.
Under the Party Wall Act 1996 you must serve notice on your neighbour/s if you are intending to undertake any work that is covered by the Act. If you are unsure what the Act involves and how to serve this notice – or want to know the difference between a party wall agreement and a party wall award – our experienced Surveyors are on hand to help.
Scaffold Licences and Access Agreements
We can help with a number of neighbourly building issues, including drawing up a scaffolding licence – either by itself or alongside your Party Wall Matters. This licence is essential if your project requires scaffolding that extends onto a neighbour’s land – for example oversailing a property in a row of terraces or footing on their land.

Handle all Party Wall Matters for you either as part of a package with other services or on an individual basis

Ensure you comply with all Party Wall legislation

Assist with serving a Party Wall Notice on your neighbours

Or act on your behalf if you are the neighbour being served

Act as a mediator between you and your neighbours should any disputes arise

Act as Surveyor for all parties keeping costs under control

Draft Party Wall Agreements

Carry out a Schedule of Condition

Assess any damage or dispute to establish remedial action or compensation due.
Howe else can we help?
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