Norwich to Tilbury | National Grid Proposal
April 24, 2024

Norwich to Tilbury | National Grid
Are you aware of the Norwich to Tilbury Project being proposed by the National Grid in their bid to support the UK’s net zero target by generating new low carbon energy.
The National Grid are proposing to build 184km of new electricity transmission reinforcement between Tilbury and Norwich made up of both overhead lines and pylons with some underground cables as well as a new 400km substation. To read more, click here.
Why does this matter to you?
If you are a landowner within the areas being considered, then it is likely that National Grid will need to communicate with you. The National Grid has a strategy called Land Rights Strategy which provides them with the rights for acquiring land and land rights for their infrastructure projects. This is also known as Development Consent Order (DCO) and Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) schemes.
You can find out if your land is of interest by using the interactive map.
Howe can we help?
We have a team of valuers that can provide a valuation of your land to ensure that you are being offered the appropriate compensation. Giving their expert assessment of the value of your land and highlighting any issues that may be of a concern.
Schedule of Condition:
A Schedule of Condition will be vital if you own or lease a neighbouring property to the construction sites. A Schedule of Condition records the existing condition of your property prior to the works being carried out. If later you find that your property suffers structural or other damage due to the works carried out, you will be able to use the (pre-works) Schedule of Condition Report to evidence the damage that has been caused.
Representation and negotiations:
We have a highly qualified team of experienced surveyors that can assist with any issues or disputes that you may have to ensure you have the best possible outcome should you be affected by the works.
Call or email us at:
020 3102 7701 (London)
01277 223594 (Essex)
01508 405501 (Kent)